School Reports Information

School Reports – Information

Attainment Indicators (Years 1 – 6)

We use four bands to indicate the level and depth of confidence, skill and understanding at which children are working within the expectations of their year or a year group below.

  • Emerging (E) indicates a level of skill, understanding and confidence which is lower than that expected by the end of the year.  Pupils who are ’emerging’ are likely to be understanding and applying only the beginnings of what is expected of the year group and will need some additional support to catch up to age-related expectations.  This ‘catch up’ is important as their is the potential for a child to always be behind age-relations expectations as they move through school. 
  • Focussing (F) indicates a level of skills, understanding and confidence which is not yet at the standard expected of the year group.  Pupils who are ‘focussing’ are likely to show an understanding and application of some areas of the subject but perhaps lack some fluency or understanding in other areas, or do not apply what they have been taught to their class work on a consistent basis.
  • Secure (S) indicates a level of skill, knowledge and confidence at the expected level in all (or at least the vast majority) aspects of the subject.  They will broadly met all of the objectives for the subject for that year group.  
  • Greater Depth (G)  indicates a very confidence understanding of the subject.  Pupils working at this band will have an excellent grasps of the subject matter and show a deeper understanding and application of the skills and concepts they have learned. 

Please note that in all other subjects (e.g. science, history), we use ‘Working Towards’ (W) rather than emerging and focussing. 

Working Below the Expectations of their age group

When a child is working below the expectations of their year group, we indicate the band at which they are working which may related to the objectives from a lower year group.  For example, if a child in Year 3 is assigned ‘2S’ for writing, this means they are working securely within the expectations of Year 2 rather than Year 3 (therefore about one year behind in their attainment).

Subject Statements – Reading, Writing and Mathematics

To provide you with a little more information about different aspects of your child’s reading, writing and mathematics, we have included a number of subject-specific statements for each of these subjects in your child’s report.  Within each section, there are a number of statements which aim to illustrate your child’s level of understanding, skill and application for the subject.  There are a number of statements for reading (word reading, comprehension, level of interest), a number of statements for writing (including handwriting, spelling, writing stamina, structure and purpose, grammar and punctuation) and mathematics (place value, number skills, geometry, problem-solving).  The report also includes some suggestions of learning targets for the three key areas.


Included in your child’s report is a ‘registration certificate’ which shows your child’s full attendance register for the whole academic year.  Attendances are shown with either ‘/’ (AM) or ‘\’ (PM).  A range of absence codes may be used, depending on the reasons for your child’s absences.  These are shown on the attendance report.



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