Year 3 - Cheetham
Spring Half Term 2 Curriculum information...
In maths we will be completing our work on length including perimeter. We will then be moving onto fractions, focusing on unit and non-unit fractions and ordering them.
In English we will be looking at diary writing linking this to our work on ancient Egypt. We will also be reading the book ‘The Scarab’s Secret’ and re-telling part of the story. In science we will be continuing our work on animals including humans.
In French we will be completing our work on ‘les saisons’ the seasons and starting our unit on ‘les fruits’ fruits. The children will learn the names of ten different fruits and how to say ‘I like’ and ‘I don’t like’.
In PE we will be attending weekly swimming lessons and their additional session they will focus on ball skills, healthy competition and how to co-operate with a partner.
In history we will be studying life in Ancient Egyptian times linked to our visit to Manchester museum.
ICT - Computing systems and networks 3: Journey inside a computer
History - What was important to ancient Egyptians?
Music - Developing singing technique (Theme: the Vikings)
PSHE - Mental and Emotional Health - emotions and behaviour
RE - What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?