Year 6 - Watkin
We have lots of exciting things planned for Year 6 this Spring 1 half term. In Maths, we will be introducing new units on ratio and algebra and continuing our work on fractions and decimals.
We will be using the beautiful book, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse as inspiration for our writing in English. We will also be using the Greatest Showman to write a persuasive speech and using the short film Little Freak to write setting descriptions and conversations.
Our Science, this half term, is all about evolution and inheritance. This is a challenging and interesting unit of work, as we will be looking at the work of Darwin and learning how characteristics are passed down from parents to their offspring. On Monday 10th February we will be spending the day at The Manchester Museum to discover their brand new exhibition, WILD, on a very special day dedicated exclusively to primary schools. We will be getting up close to live frogs and snakes from the Vivarium and learning how to handle and investigate real taxidermy specimens. We will have a chance to explore how humans relate to nature and learn what we can do to protect the wildness of our amazing planet. This is a great way to enhance learning and our day will include a packed timetable of facilitated and self-led gallery activities to help answer the question: WHAT IS WILD? Please see Parent Pay for details.
In Geography, we will be investigating what renewable energy is and will be finding out how different countries generate their energy.
Art this half term, will be based on a number of different artists. Pupils will look at the style of painting used and then use them as inspiration to create their own painting to share an environmental message.
In PE we will be thinking about our stance and footwork whilst playing dodgeball.
Our Music lessons will be based on the piece of music, Fingal’s Cave.
In Computing we will continue our work on online safety and in PSHE, as part of our unit of work on mental and emotional health, we will look at how the internet can affect our mental health in positive and negative ways.