Year 6 - Watkin
Spring 2
I cannot believe that we are already half way through Year 6 – time is flying by! We have lots of exciting things planned for Year 6 this half term, including our class assembly on the 14th March at 9am.
In Maths, we are looking at how fractions, decimals and percentages are related and using them to solve lots of reasoning and problem solving questions. We will then move onto area, perimeter and volume and finally shapes. We will also be revising some previous units of work from Key Stage 2 and working on increasing the speed that we can answer mental arithmetic questions.
We will be starting our English work by watching the beautiful and emotional short film, The Piano. We will use this film to write a narrative using flashbacks. Relating to our work on World War II, we will be researching then writing a biography on Anne Frank and reading the book Rose Blanche in preparation for writing conversations to tell a story. During reading comprehension time, we will be using longer texts to answer questions based on all the reading strands.
Our History lessons will be spent looking at the impact of World War II on Britain. We launched our topic on Tuesday, with a visit from a travelling museum, where we got to handle real WWII artefacts, bandage each other up and complete an interactive timeline amongst other things. We will look at events such as D Day, the Blitz and evacuation.
Design Technology, this half term, will be based on designing and making a model of our ideal school playground. We will evaluate different playground activities and equipment and then plan what we would like to have in our playground – if space allowed! Finally, we will make a model of how we wish it could look.
In PE we will being creative and looking at different ways we could play well known games and sports. We will also be practising our balancing skills.
Our Music lessons will be based on music from some of our favourite films. We will be evaluating the pieces, creating graphic scores and then using a variety of instruments to create our own versions of the pieces based on what emotions we feel they show.
In Computing, we will continue our work on online safety and start looking at what QR codes are and how they are used and in PSHE, as part of our unit of work on Healthy Lifestyles, we will look at how we can keep ourselves healthy both physically and mentally.