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Year 1 - Sissay

In year 1 this Spring 1 half term, we will be continuing our work on our place value (within 20), moving onto addition and subtraction, then place value (within 50) in Maths. 

In English, to begin the half term, we will be taking part in a writing project based on the book 'The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse'. We will be exploring themes within the book and writing our own poetry about friendship. We will then move onto retelling traditional tales; we will focus on 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Finally, we'll look at non-chronological reports and we will write about African and Arctic animals.

Our geography topic is ‘What is the Weather like in the UK?'. 

We will:

  • Name and locate the four countries on a map of the UK.
  • Identify the country they live in.
  • Identify the four seasons and the current season and describe some seasonal changes.
  • Identify the four compass directions.
  • Identify that the arrow on a compass always shows north.
  • Use the compass directions to describe the location of features.
  • Observe and describe daily weather patterns.
  • Suggest appropriate clothing and activities for each season.

In art, we will be learning about painting and mixed media. By the end of the unit we will be able to: name the primary colours, explore coloured materials to mix secondary colours, mix primary colours to make secondary colours, apply paint consistently to their printing materials to achieve a print, use a range of colours when printing, mix five different shades of a secondary colour, decorate their hands using a variety of patterns, mix secondary colours with confidence to paint a plate, describe their finished plates. We will be inspired by Clarice Cliff plates:

In science we will be learning about animals, including humans. We will be able to  identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores, describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, birds and mammals including pets), identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

In RSE we will be focusing on Mental Health and Wellbeing.

In RE we will be looking at different places of worship.

In computing, we are learning the basics of computer programming using Beebots. The children have loved getting to know our robots 🙂