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Year 4 - Timpson

In Spring Half Term 1 we will be learning...

Geography: Where does our food come from? (Main topic)

In this unit of work, we will be finding out about Fair-trade and how it affects the world. Wouldn’t it be amazing if chocolate grew on trees? Well, it does! We will be identifying that different foods grow in different biomes, explain which food has the most significant negative impact on the environment and also consider a change people can make to reduce the negative impact of food production.

In Science the pupils will compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases; observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) and identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature.

In our English lessons, the children will be taught:

  • Identify and use adverbial phrases
  • accurately use commas after or before adverbial phrases
  • identify and use subordinate clauses at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of sentences
  • accurately use commas after and/or before subordinate clause
  • accurately use fronted adverbials
  • use prepositions and prepositional phrases to express time and place

In ENGLISH and other subjects, the children will develop their ability to:

  • Read and understand what they read, including through inference and deduction
  • Write a narrative and a non-fiction piece of writing in the form of an adventure story and a non-chronological report.

In MATHEMATICS lessons, the children will

  • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12.
  • Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally.
  • Recognise and use factor pairs and commutatively in mental calculations.
  • Multiply two-digit and three- digit numbers by a one-digit number using both informal and formal written methods.
  • To measure and calculate the perimeter of shapes using cm, m and km.

In RE we will be finding out what it means to be Hindu in Britain today and explore how Hindus practice their faith.

In Art, the children will mix tints and shades by adding black or white paint to create a final painting that shows an understanding of how colour can be used to show light and dark, and therefore show three dimensions.

In Computing, the pupils will be investigating repetition in shapes using an online Logo program.

In Music, we will be using both body and tuned percussion instruments to create our own rainforest piece of music.

In PSHCE, the children will be examining ways to look after our mental and emotional health.

In French, the children will be learning about ‘Ma famille’ and how to use French to describe members of their families.

In PE, the children will continue to swim on Thursdays and also develop and apply their dynamic balance on a line and ball skills through focused skill development sessions, healthy competition, cooperative games and group Personal Best challenges.

Swimming restarts Thursday 9th January. The children will also need to bring a pair of old pyjamas with them for their water safety lesson on the 16th January too.