Home Learning – Year 1 (Autumn 2020)

♦  Seesaw  ♦  Purple Mash  ♦  Hit the Button  ♦  Curriculum Visions 
♦  Oxford Owl  ♦  Big Cat Books

Spring 1 2021 – Week 8 (Monday 1st March – Friday 5th March) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk8-Plan


  • This is the final week of HOME LEARNING before everyone returns to school on Monday 8th March.  “Well done” and “thank you” to everyone for all your hard work while you have been learning at home.  We look forward to seeing you back in school next Monday!
Welcome to week 8 of our home learning.  I am really looking forward to having you all back in school next week!  I just want to say a massive thank you and well done for your hard work and dedication.  It has been inspiring to see the creative ways you have tackled the activities and challenges.  This week we are continuing looking at emotions in English and we will be exploring the book ‘Silly Billy’ which focuses on the feeling of worry.  We are also starting our new topics in Science and Geography.  This Thursday is World Book Day, so on Friday’s Zoom session we are going to chat about our favourite stories, maybe you could bring your favourite book along with you? I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you very soon!  Take care, Miss Lyons
  • Monday 1st March at 9.30am
  • Wednesday 3rd March at 9.30am
  • Friday 5th March at 11.00am
White Rose
Lesson Videos
and Worksheets
White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks)  – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 – Week 7 (Monday 22nd February – Friday 26th February) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk7-Plan


  • No general messages
Hi Year 1!  I hope you are all well and had a lovely half term break.  This week we are finishing off our Science topic by using all of our knowledge to sort objects by their properties.  We are also going to become toy designers and you are going to design and make your very own toy!  In English we are looking at a new book ‘The Colour Monster’, we will read through this story in our Zoom session on Monday.  There are lots of exciting activities for us to do this week and I can’t wait to see your creativity come to life!  Have a brilliant week and I look forward to seeing you all in our Zoom sessions.  Miss Lyons
  • Monday 22nd February at 9.30am
  • Wednesday 24th February at 9.30am
  • Friday 26th February at 11.00am
White Rose
Lesson Videos
and Worksheets
White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 – Week 6 (Monday 8th – Friday 12th February) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk6-Plan


  • Thank you, Year 1, for all your hard with Home Learning since January.  We are sorry that you have not been school but hopefully we will see you.  We wish you a safe and happy half-term holiday and look forward to seeing you back online on Monday 22nd February.
  • Printed packs for Home Learning for the 3 weeks following the half-term holiday will be available for collection from school on Thursday afternoon (1.30pm – 3.30pm), Friday morning (until 11am) and Friday afternoon (1.30pm – 3.30pm) of this week.
Welcome to week 6 of our home learning!  We have an exciting week ahead of us, with lots of fun activities planned!  We are continuing with our Music lessons looking at finding the pulse; it was great to see your videos on Seesaw and I am very much looking forward to seeing what you create this week.  We are also going to be creating our own aliens in Phonics, making our own toys in Design Technology and conducting an experiment in Science. Once again, I have been so impressed with all your hard work, you are all making me really proud.  I hope you all have a great week before you have some well-deserved time off!  Miss Lyons
  • Monday 8th February at 9.30am
  • Wednesday 10th February at 11.00am
  • Friday 12th February at 11.00am
White Rose
Lesson Videos
and Worksheets
White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 Week 5 (Monday 1st – Friday 5th February) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk5-Plan (please note that Monday’s ZOOM session is cancelled)


  • Oxford Owl Username : NCS-1  Password : NCSP1
  • Login to OXFORD OWL before using the link for the book on Tuesday.
Hi everyone!  I hope you’re all safe and well.  We are now in week 5 of our home learning and over the past few weeks you have all been working really hard, well done!  I have been really impressed with your participation, engagement and enthusiasm on Seesaw and in our Zoom sessions.  This week you are going to be writing your own stories about an adventure into space!  You can use the rocket you created as part of your story and maybe you could act out your story before you write it.  This will really help you figure out exactly what you want to happen in your story, you could film it and use it to support your writing the next day – and share them on Seesaw!  I hope you all have a great week!  Miss Lyons 
  • Wednesday 3rd February at 1.15pm (Mr Beard)
  • Friday 5th February at 11.00am (Miss Lyons)

White Rose
Lesson Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 Week 3 (Monday 18th – Friday 22nd January) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk4-Plan


  • Don’t forget … BIG CAT Books have made a number of reading books (school reading scheme books) from levels Pink (Reception) to Lime (Y2/3) available online (as they did last year).  Many of the books have audio, key word lists, some animation, a printable worksheet and teacher notes to support a discussion of the book.  To access the books, follow this link  Big Cat Books.  You will need the username  parents@harpercollins.co.uk  and the password Parents!21.  If you do not know the level at which your child is reading, please contact your child’s class teacher via SEESAW or email.  
Hello Year 1!  Welcome to Week 4 of home learning.  Once again, I have been amazed with all the hard work, time and effort you have put into your learning – it really is incredible to see and you should be really proud of yourselves!  This week we are continuing to look at toys and, in particular, our favourite toys. Last week it was great to hear all your amazing facts and discoveries about toys in the past.  We are also going to be predicting what might happen in a story from reading the blurb and trying to find the solution to a problem in a story.  Once again, there will be some pre-recorded lessons for you to access, these will be uploaded to Seesaw on the relevant day.  I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing you in our Zoom sessions (see the plan for our ZOOM timetable). Miss Lyons
White Rose
Video Lessons
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 Week 3 (Monday 18th – Friday 22nd January) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk3-Plan


  • When uploading your work to SEESAW, please place the work (single sheet) as flat as possible and maximise the view of the full sheet in the camera so that the image of your work is a large as possible for the teacher to see it clearly, thank you.
  • BIG CAT Books have made a number of reading books (school reading scheme books) from levels Pink (Reception) to Lime (Y2/3) available online (as they did last year).  Many of the books have audio, key word lists, some animation, a printable worksheet and teacher notes to support a discussion of the book.  To access the books, follow this link  Big Cat Books.  You will need the username  parents@harpercollins.co.uk  and the password Parents!21.  If you do not know the level at which your child is reading, please contact your child’s class teacher via SEESAW or email.  
Hi Everyone! Welcome to Week 3 of your Home Learning.  Thank you so much for all your hard work last week! I was really impressed with the work that you put on Seesaw, I especially enjoyed the videos of you reading stories and talking about what you had been learning. Also thank you all for your patience last week on ZOOM, I look forward to a more successful session this week! For this week’s learning we are continuing to look at Toys and, in particular, toys from the past – toys your mums, dads and grandparents played with. In English we are going to be writing our stories for ‘The Muddy Teddy Bear’ and finally we will be finishing the week by designing and creating our very own rockets. I hope you have a fabulous week, Year 1! Miss Lyons
The schedule of ZOOM sessions is shown on the weekly plan.
White Rose
Video Lessons
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 Week 2 (Mon 11th Jan – Fri 15th Jan 2021) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-Spr1-Wk2-Plan


  • Please note that the weekly plans for Years 1 – 6 are now two pages.  These gives the teacher a little more space to write more about each task for each day.  
  • Some (but not all) of the resources you need have been provided in the printed packs which are available from collection from school.
  • Some resources have been provided in the printed packs but are not going to be posted online.  Use the printed versions.  If you have not collected your pack from school, please do so.
  • The issue with PURPLE MASH from last week (Year 1 usernames leading to MINI MASH) has now been rectified.
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 9.00am
  • When writing answers on a worksheet to be uploaded to SEESAW, please write clearly and in black or blue ink pen or with a dark pencil mark.  Please avoid pencil crayons and gel pens as they are not clear.
  • When uploading your work to SEESAW, please place the work (single sheet) as flat as possible and maximise the view of the full sheet in the camera so that the image of your work is a large as possible for the teacher to see it clearly.
Welcome to week 2 of home learning!  I hope you are all well and keeping safe.  Thank you for all the fantastic work you have been sharing on Seesaw, it is great to see all the creative ways you have been engaging in the tasks.  This week we are starting our new topic about the history of toys.  For Phonics we are revisiting previously taught sounds.  Next week we will be looking at Phase 5 sounds and I will prerecord videos for you to follow.  There is a box at the bottom of the planning sheet with additional activities and resources. I hope you all have a great week and once again if you have any questions please get in touch. Miss Lyons.
White Rose

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 Week 1 (Mon 6th Jan – Fri 8th Jan 2021) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y1-2021-Wk1-Plan
Messages Hi Year 1! I hope you are all well and have had a great Christmas and New Year. Unfortunately we have not been able to return to school this half term but hopefully we will all be back soon! In the meantime I have lots of different activities planned for you and I am excited to see all the brilliant work you do. If you have any questions or want to get in touch you can e-mail me at: y1teacher@northenden.manchester.sch.uk. Take care and stay safe! Miss Lyons
ZIP File
White Rose

  • See above
White Rose

  • See above

All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Spring 1 2021 – Week 8 (Monday 1st March – Friday 5th March) – PREPARING FOR MONDAY
The Week’s Plan  


White Rose
Lesson Videos
and Worksheets
White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks)  – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
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