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Our History

The school is one of the longest-established schools in Manchester and certainly one of the oldest remaining of the Edwardian era.  The construction of the school began in 1908 and was completed for opening in 1910.  The school has undergone many facelifts, and has been well-maintained, over the years but without losing most of its original design and the charm that it had when it first opened over 100 years ago. You can see evidence of the history of the building in its external features.  

School opening in 1910


Teachers of the past


Original Brickwork Signs

The signs to the BOYS’ (now the main entrance) and GIRLS’ (now blocked up) entrances still exist as do the entrances and sign for what was the COOKERY and LAUNDRY rooms which were part of the HOUSECRAFT centre.

boysentrancegirlsentrance laundry cookery 

Serving Headteachers

Since opening in 1910, the school has had a number of headteachers.  Mr Treanor was the school’s longest serving Headteacher (1984 – 2006).  He was Headteacher for 22 years, just beating Miss Hampshire’s service record by one term!.  Headteachers have been, in reverse order:

  • September 2006 – Present Day : Mr Ian Beard
  • January 1984 – July 2006 : Mr Brendan Treanor
  • September 1984 – December 1984 : Mr Brian Molloy
  • September 1981 – July 1984 : Mrs F MacKenzie (Acting)
  • September 1965 – July 1981 :  Mr H C Payne
  • April 1944 – July 1965 : Miss Dyllis M Hampshire
  • February 1944 – April 1944 :  Mr W J Bollom (Acting)
  • January 1924 – February 1944 : Mr Percy W Webber
  • January 1919 – December 1923 :  Mr John Reynolds
  • June 1917 – January 1919 :  Mr Percy Webber (Acting whilst Mr Reynolds was in HM Forces)
  • April 1917 – June 1917 :  Mr Heathcote (Acting)
  • September 1911 – April 1917 :  Mr John Reynolds
  • August 1910 – July 1911 : Mr S Parry