
Home learning tasks are now ready for Nursery for Summer Term Week 1.  Click on the link to the left (Home Learning Tasks and Messages).  You can return to this page by clicking on the ‘Welcome to Nursery Online’ banner on the task page.

Try to spend some time reading every day.  We appreciate that books at home may be limited, particularly given libraries and book shops are closed.  We will post links to free online books for children.

Audible (Amazon) have made available free online books for children
These can be streamed via tablet APP or on a PC/laptop without an account.

Myon Reading from Renaissance has thousands of story and non-fiction books for all ages.  They are organised into genres.  They also have newspaper articles so have a look at those too.  Select a book or two to read with your child every day.

The Book Trust website has a number of online books for different age groups.  There are also quizzes and activities related to books.

Oxford Owl has a wide range of free online reading books for school children.  They are grouped into age bands.  It includes many of the reading scheme books we have in school.  Children in Early Years should use the username NCS-1 and password NCSP1.  Go to MY CLASS LOGIN on the Oxford Owl page.


You can access Phonics Play on PC or tablet free of charge.  You will need the username march20 and the password home for free access.

There are lots of links to free Maths activities and games on the Maths page.

Lots of free online mathematics games and activities for all age groups.


the World


Purple Mash is our online ICT learning platform.  There are lots of computer-based activities for the children to do.  Children will need their own Purple Mash username and password to use this system during the period of school closure.  This will be sent to individual parents by Friday 3rd April 2020.

Expressive Arts
and Design


We follow the CHARANGA Scheme of Work for music in school.  Charanga have made available some units for each class online.  Children can work through these units independently.  Children need their own username and password to access the units.



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