
On this page, you will find lots of ideas of things to do during the period of school closure.  These are things to do without a computer.

Arts and Crafts

Cookery and Baking

  • Help your parents make a weekly/daily meal
  • Learn a new recipe every week
  • Help to prepare, weigh and mix the ingredients
  • Decorate a cake or cupcakes

Word Games

  • Complete a word search
  • Create a word search with family and friends’ names for someone else to complete
  • create a word search with words about a particular interest or subject
  • See how many words you can make from the letters of another word
    • Manchester, Northenden, etc.
  • do a crossword
  • create your own crossword puzzle for someone else to complete
  • play scrabble (or make your own letter cards to play a similar game)
  • play hangman

Games and Puzzles

  • Play SNAP with 2-3 members of your family
  • Learn a new simple card game as a family
  • Play a different board game every day (and learn to lose occasionally)
  • Play ‘Noughts’ and ‘Crosses’ and start a daily league
  • Complete a jigsaw over a period of time with a set number of pieces every day
  • create your own board game
  • play charades or your own version of Pictionary
  • play ‘eye spy’

Family Time

  • Create a family tree
  • Take out old family photographs and look back on events or holidays
  • Sort out family photographs and create an album or scrapbook
  • Chill out together and watch a favourite movie
  • Have a picnic in the garden or indoors
  • Everyone dress up for a special meal

Drawing Activities

  • Take a pencil for a walk on a page. 
  • Use the pencil to shade the spaces created by the pencil walk, perhaps by using lines in different directions
  • Do an observational drawing of an item in your house, e.g. a shoe, a piece of furniture

Writing Activities

  • Write a daily diary of what life is like without school
  • Write a note to your teacher (ready for SEESAW)
  • Write a play over a week and then perform it as family
  • Perform the song for family via SKYPE or ZOOM or WHATSAPP
  • Write a set of instructions to get through life indoors
  • write a poem that rhymes
  • create a magazine (cut out photographs and other items from other sources)
  • make a comic strip story


Creative Games

  • Play balloon handball
  • Play ten-pin bowling with old plastic bottles and rolled-up socks
  • make a fort out of boxes and blankets
  • create a treasure hunt with clues


Physical Activity

  • Join Joe Wicks every morning at 9am for his daily workout
  • Create a circuit in the garden or in different places in the home
  • Try a new exercise every day
  • create a safe obstacle course
  • practise different sports races, e.g. dressing up, three-legged
  • have a family sports afternoon
  • create a perform a solo or group dance



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