
Register to help on the day of the Summer Fair and BBQ

Saturday 17th June 2023

Thank you for considering helping out on the day of the Summer Fair.  We are grateful for any time that you can give on the day, including:

  • setting up before 12noon (from 9.00am onwards)
  • running stalls between 12noon and 3.00pm
  • helping to tidy up after 3.00pm (usually finished by 4.00pm)

The setting up/tidying up involves moving tables/chairs to and from the school building to the playground and field, and setting up the stalls and games. Running a stall will involve taking the cashless cards, supervising the game and giving out any prize vouches.  There is no need to handle money.  If you can only spare an hour, that is great – we can create a timetable of supervision for each activity.  Tidying up involves carrying tables/chairs back into school, clearing stalls and gathering/recycling waste.  Thank you for your support.

friends of ncs




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