ZOOM Session Protocols


When a ZOOM meeting/session has been arranged for the class, we expect the following protocols and guidance to be followed:

  • pupils will join a ZOOM meeting by link (published on the website via the Secure page) and will be asked to enter their first name and surname initial, e.g. John H, when joining the meeting;
  • pupils and families must not share the ZOOM meeting details (e.g. links, passwords) with anyone else;
  • pupils will be supervised by an adult (or at least in close proximity) during the session;
  • only pupils should be visible or take part during the lesson;
  • pupils must not share personal information online;
  • pupils must position themselves in an appropriate, neutral and safe place which does not disclose personal or family privacy. Parents will need to consider their family/home privacy.  We suggest that pupils position themselves in front of a plain wall or background rather than in front of a ‘busy’ background or family pictures, etc.  Pupils must not take part in ZOOM calls from their bedroom.
  • pupils should place their device on a table so that it does have to be held or moved during the meeting and so that they can have access to any printed or other materials;
  • pupils should not be disturbed during the session, e.g. by siblings or animals;
  • pupils should behave as we would expect them to at school.  Teachers may issue warnings during the session and remove anyone from the meeting who does not follow the rules;
  • pupils should raise their hand to speak and must not speak unless asked to do by the class teacher;
  • pupils must dress appropriately (not school uniform but appropriate dress, e.g. no pyjamas, costumes)
  • pupils must join the meeting on time (the meeting will start five minutes before the scheduled time)
  • pupils joining more than 10 minutes after the start time may not be admitted to the session;
  • pupils must take part in the whole session, unless there is a good reason not to do so and that this is made clear at the start of the meeting or via email prior to the meeting by parents;
  • pupils should prepare any questions before the meeting so that time during the sessions can be used efficiently;
  • pupils should try not to ask questions that have been asked by other pupils and answered by the teacher;
  • staff will, where possible, be supported by a moderator (another member of staff who is simply checking the conduct of the meeting – this person may be defined as a ‘co-host’ once the meeting has started)
  • staff must not have contact with individual pupils via ZOOM on any occasion (conversation and video must wait until others have joined the meeting);
  • pupils will mute their microphones (or the teacher will mute everyone) during explanations or teacher input;
  • sessions will be recorded by the teacher – no other recordings are permitted;
  • pupils should activate their cameras from the start of the video so that the teacher knows they are present and can see that they are listening and engaged during the session;
  • if working from home, staff will choose an appropriate location and position (e.g. neutral space with a plain background) for their video, taking into account the need for privacy and limited disclosure;
  • staff have a duty to report any concerns about the welfare of children;
  • staff, pupils and parents will be asked to report any concerns they have about online sessions to the Headteacher.


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