Home Learning – Year 3 (Autumn 2020)

♦  Seesaw  ♦  Purple Mash  ♦  Times Tables Rock Stars
♦  Hit the Button  ♦  Curriculum Visions  ♦  Oxford Owl Books  ♦  Big Cat Books

SUMMER 2021 (ISOLATION WEEK) – Week Beginning Monday 28th June 2021
The Week’s Plan  


  • This work is set for a period of isolation due to a bubble closure related to a positive case of COVID-19 in the Year 3 class.  Period of isolation (bubble closure) is Monday 28th June – Thursday 1st July.  Year 3 can return to school on Friday 2nd July.  Children can upload their work to SEESAW using their existing username and password.
Good morning, Year 3.  We are sorry that we are having to work at home this week due to isolating for COVID-19.  We have not had to do this before.  I have set some work for Maths for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We are looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.  For Monday, there is English, spelling and RE work.  I will hopefully see you for the ZOOM call at 11.00am today (Monday).  Miss Pritchard
  • Monday 28th June 2021 at 11.00am
  • Tuesday 29th June 2021 at 10.00am
  • Wednesday 30th June 2021 at 10.00am
  • Thursday 1st July 2021 at 10.00am
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and  BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 2 2021 – Week 8 (Monday 1st March – Friday 5th March) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr2-Wk8-Plan


  • This is the final week of HOME LEARNING before everyone returns to school on Monday 8th March.  “Well done” and “thank you” to everyone for all your hard work while you have been learning at home.  We look forward to seeing you back in school next Monday!
  • For this week’s French activity (Friday), you will need to log in to Language Angels (the Login option is on the top-right of the screen) using the Username Northe1420 and Password lahome (note the first character is an ‘l’ for ‘language’). 
Hello Year 3!  Welcome to our last week of home learning.  I am so proud of you all for working so hard over the last couple of months.  I have been so impressed with the quality and quantity of the work that you have produced.  This week, we will be continuing with our book The Snow Dragon in English and with measures in Maths.   Have a super final week and I will see you on the Zoom sessions.    Miss Pritchard
  • Monday 1st March at 9.30am
  • Wednesday 3rd March at 11.00am
  • Friday 5th March at 11.00am
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and  BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 2 – 2021 Week 7 (Monday 22nd February – Friday 26th February) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr2-Wk7-Plan (Updated with new time for ZOOM session – 11am – on Friday)


  • Please note that the time of Friday’s ZOOM session has changed from 11.00am to 9.30am. 
  • For this week’s French activity (Tuesday), you will need to log in to Language Angels (the Login option is on the top-right of the screen) using the Username Northe1420 and Password lahome (note the first character is an ‘l’ for ‘language’). 
Hello Year 3!  I hope you all had a great lockdown half term holiday and that you are all safe and well.  Welcome to the 2nd part of our Spring Term. We have many interesting and exciting activities for you to complete over the next few weeks.  In English, we will be starting a new book called The Snow Dragon and in Maths, we will be learning about measures. In Science, we will be starting our new topic called How Does Your Garden Grow.  Have a super week and I will see you on the Zoom sessions.    Miss Pritchard
  • Monday 22nd February at 9.30am
  • Wednesday 24th February at 11.00am
  • Friday 26th February at 9.30am (was 11.00am on original plan)
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and  BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 1 – 2021 Week 6 (Monday 8th – Friday 12th February) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr1-Wk6-Plan


  • Thank you, Year 3, for all your hard with Home Learning since January.  We are sorry that you have not been school but hopefully we will see you.  We wish you a safe and happy half-term holiday and look forward to seeing you back online on Monday 22nd February.
  • Printed packs for Home Learning for the 3 weeks following the half-term holiday will be available for collection from school on Thursday afternoon (1.30pm – 3.30pm), Friday morning (9.30am – 11am) and Friday afternoon (1.30pm – 3.30pm) of this week.
  • Friday is a ‘catch up’ day

Hello Year 3!  I hope you and your families are all doing well and keeping safe. Welcome to week 6 of our home learning, the final week before half term. Thank you for all your hard work so far, you are making us all very proud.   This week in Maths you will be doing some data handling (statistics).   In English, we will be continuing with our work on Theseus and the Minotaur and will be writing our own stories involving a mythical creature.   Have a great week and I will see you on the Zoom sessions.
Miss Pritchard

  • Monday 8th February at 9.30am
  • Tuesday 9th February at 9.30am
  • Friday 12th February at 11.00am
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 1 2021 Week 5 (Monday 1st – Friday 5th February) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr1-Wk5-Plan


  • No general messages
Hello Year 3!  I hope you and your families are all doing well and keeping safe. Welcome to week 5 of our home learning. Thank you for all your hard work last week.  I am so proud of you all for doing your best at home.   This week in Math’s we are looking at money.  Some of this will be revision so I have set you an extra challenge each day to keep you busy.  In English, we will be reading the Ancient Greek myth, Theseus and the Minotaur, which I am sure you will enjoy.   Have a great week and I will see you on the Zoom sessions.    Miss Pritchard
  • Monday 1st February at 9.30am
  • Tuesday 2nd February at 9.30am (Theseus and the Minotaur story)
  • Friday 5th February at 11.00am
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 1 2021 Week 4 (Monday 25th – Friday 29th January) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr1-Wk4-Plan


Don’t forget …BIG CAT Books have made a number of reading books (school reading scheme books) from levels Pink (Reception) to Lime (Y2/3) available online (as they did last year).  Many of the books have audio, key words, some animation, a printable worksheet and teacher notes to support a discussion of the book.  To access the books, follow this link  Big Cat Books.  You will need the username  parents@harpercollins.co.uk  and the password Parents!21.  If you do not know the level at which your child is reading, please contact your child’s class teacher via SEESAW or email.  
Hi Year 3!  I hope that you are all safe and well and getting on Ok with your home learning.  It is great to see so many of you on the Zoom sessions and we have another three ZOOM sessions this week (see my weekly plan).  I am really enjoying seeing your work and videos on Seesaw; I can tell that you are all working so hard at home. This is the last week of our work on multiplication and division in Maths and in English it is your chance to write your own story based on The Tunnel.  I can’t wait to read them!  Have a great week and I will see you on the Zoom sessions.    Miss Pritchard
The schedule of ZOOM sessions is shown on the weekly plan.
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 1 2021 Week 3 (Monday 18th – Friday 22nd January) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr1-Wk3-Plan


  • When uploading your work to SEESAW, please place the work (single sheet) as flat as possible and maximise the view of the full sheet in the camera so that the image of your work is a large as possible for the teacher to see it clearly.
  • BIG CAT Books have made a number of reading books (school reading scheme books) from levels Pink (Reception) to Lime (Y2/3) available online (as they did last year).  Many of the books have audio, key words, some animation, a printable worksheet and teacher notes to support a discussion of the book.  To access the books, follow this link  Big Cat Books.  You will need the username  parents@harpercollins.co.uk  and the password Parents!21.  If you do not know the level at which your child is reading, please contact your child’s class teacher via SEESAW or email.  
Hello Everyone! Thank you for all your hard work again this week.  I have been very impressed with all the work and videos that you have been putting on Seesaw for us to look at.  It was great to hear about how much you are enjoying learning about Greece and Ancient Greece, it’s a really interesting topic to study.   This week in English, we will be continuing with our book The Tunnel and in Maths, we will be continuing our work on multiplication and division.  Have a great week and remember to keep uploading your work and videos to Seesaw.  Miss Pritchard
The schedule of ZOOM sessions is shown on the weekly plan.
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Big Cat Books and Oxford Owl Books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
Spring 1 2021 Week 2 (Mon 11th Jan – Fri 15th Jan 2021) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-Spr1-Wk2-Plan


  • Please note that the weekly plans for Years 1 – 6 are now two pages.  These gives the teacher a little more space to write more about each task for each day.  
  • Some (but not all) of the resources you need have been provided in the printed packs which are available from collection from school.
  • When writing answers on a worksheet to be uploaded to SEESAW, please write clearly and in black or blue ink pen or with a dark pencil mark.  Please avoid pencil crayons and gel pens as they are not clear.
  • When uploading your work to SEESAW, please place the work (single sheet) as flat as possible and maximise the view of the full sheet in the camera so that the image of your work is a large as possible for the teacher to see it clearly.
Hi Everyone! Welcome to Week 2 of your Home Learning.  Thank you so much for all your hard work last week, I was so impressed with the work that you put on Seesaw.  It was great to see so many of you on the ZOOM session on Friday and I really enjoyed chatting to you all and seeing your happy, smiley faces!  This week in English we will be starting a new book called The Tunnel (there is a copy in your printed pack) and in Maths we will be continuing with our work on Multiplication and Division.  We will also be starting our fascinating new topic about the Ancient Greeks.  Have a great week and I look forward to seeing your work on Seesaw.   Miss Pritchard.
White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl
  • Keep up with your times tables by using Times Tables Rock Stars
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
  • PE with Joe (Wicks) starts again this week – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.00am
Spring 1 2021 Week 2 (Wed 6th Jan – Fri 8th Jan 2021) – READY
The Week’s Plan Y3-2021-Wk1-Plan
Messages Hi Year 3! I hope you are all well and had the best Christmas and New Year that you could.   It is sad that we find ourselves in this position again, but hopefully it won’t be too long until we are back in class.  In Maths this week we will be continuing with our work on Multiplication and Division and in English we will be looking at a Greek myth called The Story of Icarus.  Miss Pritchard.
White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

  • See above
White Rose

  • See above

All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
Spring 2 2021 – Week 8 (Monday 1st March – Friday 5th March) – PREPARING FOR MONDAY
The Week’s Plan  


White Rose
Lessons Videos
and Worksheets

White Rose


All of the links you might need for are included in the weekly plan.  Simply click on the links provided in the plan to access the resources or link to another online resource.  If not, the links you might need are shown below:

Extra Tasks
  • Don’t forget to read online books via Oxford Owl and  BIG CAT books
  • Focus on your physical health by do some physical activities / exercise
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